Digital Xtra's Grant Awards
Since its inception in 2016, Digital Xtra has awarded £985,000 to 163 high-quality, exciting extracurricular computing and digital technologies initiatives across Scotland. This funding has helped positively engage over 52,000 young people in tech. This year, the charity awarded 26 grants to schools and organisations who are projected to engage another 2,500 young people, including 1,360 girls and young women, throughout the 2023/24 academic year.
Applications for Digital Xtra’s ninth grants cycle, which will support initiatives during the 2024/25 academic year, are now CLOSED. Thank you to everyone who applied. Grants up to £5,000 will soon be awarded to schools and community organisations looking to start up or scale up extracurricular tech activities for young people. Activities must teach children and young people skills and concepts such as coding, robotics, games design, data science and cyber to help inspire Scotland’s next generation of digital makers, leaders, and technologists.